HomeDo's and Don'tsHow do you save a relationship when you live together?

How do you save a relationship when you live together?

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Couples often find themselves wondering how they can save their relationship when they already live together. It can be a difficult situation to navigate, but there are ways to make it work. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the challenges couples face when living together and offer strategies for overcoming them. We’ll also provide tips for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship despite the everyday stressors of cohabitation. 

10 challenges couples face when living together

Living together is an invaluable option for many couples. Cohabitation can help both men and women prepare for the real thing, which is marriage. Living together allows partners to get to know each other in a non-pressured environment, making them more confidant when they decide to commit.

But it’s not all wine and roses. Here are 10 challenges that the couples face when they choose to cohabitate before getting married:

1. Financial hurdles- Although it seems like common sense that budgeting should be easier while you’re living with someone, that’s not always the case. If one partner has majority of the income flow, there’s no guarantee that money will be handled responsibly or equally between the two of you. It could also lead to resentment, if one person is left to do most of the housework and financial planning.

2. Attitude towards finances- One of the biggest factors to a couple’s financial health is their attitude towards money. This can be tricky to navigate while living together, because what starts out as an even split between two people could quickly become uneven, if one partner starts spending money frivolously or gets in over her head with debt. It may not seem like it at first, but choosing your battles before getting married will save you both from future arguments about money.

3. Jealousy- Your partner lives with you all day long, so it’s natural for some jealousy to arise when another person enters the picture who pays more attention to him than you do. This is amplified if the third person is of the opposite sex and can lead to problems in the relationship down the road.

How do you save relationship when you live together

4. Sex life changes- When you live with someone, your sex life changes. It’s not as spontaneous as when you’re dating and there’s always the worry that one partner will be too tired or not in the mood. This can quickly lead to a decrease in sexual activity, which could lead to other problems down the road.

5. Children- If you have children from a previous relationship, living together can be a challenge, since it’s already difficult enough for kids to adjust to a new home and family dynamic. But if both of your children are from different relationships, things can get even more complicated. You may wonder how much you should see your children and how it will affect your partner’s relationship with them.

6. Co-parenting- One of the biggest challenges for couples who choose to cohabitate is learning how to co-parent well. It may seem like common sense, but before living together, most people are so focused on being a couple that they don’t give much thought to what life together will be like once children come into the picture. There’s no rule book on co-parenting, but some general guidelines can help smooth over bumpy patches in the road, including respecting each other’s parenting styles and opinions, being consistent when disciplining children and communicating about their needs or problems right away instead of waiting till later.

7. Conflict resolution- Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but it’s especially tricky to navigate when you live together. The best thing you can do is put aside time every day or week to talk about what happened (without blame) and make sure you hear each other out, instead of choosing your battles for the sake of saving energy.

8. Sharing- With a cohabitation in place, things should run smoothly with who does what around the house—or so you think. Most people have different standards when it comes to cleanliness and messes, which means living together may be a challenge when it comes to sharing chores and responsibilities around the house. If not handled correctly, this can lead to resentment among partners, if one person feels like she’s doing all the work.

How to save a relationship while living together

9. Roommates- If you’re not used to living with someone, it can be a shock when your partner comes home one day and tells you that he’s going to be living with you from now on. Suddenly, you have to share not only your space, but also your possessions and routines. This can be especially challenging if you’re not used to being around people for long periods of time or if you work different hours than your partner does.

10. Expectations- When you live together, it’s easy to get caught up in the honeymoon phase and forget that things won’t always be perfect between you and your partner. Before moving in together, make sure you have realistic expectations about what living together will be like. This means discussing things like how you’ll deal with bills, cleaning the house, taking care of each other when one of you is sick and making time for yourselves, even when you’re busy.

Living together can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to be aware of the challenges that may lie ahead. By discussing these issues beforehand, you and your partner can work together to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

How do you save a relationship when you live together?

There are a few things you can do to try and salvage a relationship when you live together.

First, talk to your partner about what’s going on. Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s especially important when you’re living together. Talk about what’s bothering you, and see if you can come up with a solution together.

Second, try to make time for each other. Even if you’re fighting, make time for date nights or just relaxing together. Spending time with your partner can help remind you why you got together in the first place.

Third, don’t forget to take care of yourself. It might be tempting to hole up in your apartment and avoid the world, but that’s not going to help your relationship. Take a class, see a movie or do something that you enjoy.

Doing things by yourself can help remind you that there’s more to life than just your relationship. And if your relationship ends, you’ll be glad for the experience and new knowledge gained.

How do you save a relationship when you live together

Fourth, try not to let other factors influence your relationship. It might seem like everyone else is happy in their relationship except you, but don’t worry about what other people are doing. Every couple has ups and downs—the important thing is being able to get through them together with communication and respect for each other.

Ways to save your relationship when you live together

Living together can be a great experience, but it can also cause a lot of relationship problems. Arguments might occur more often and you’ll find yourself uncomfortable in each other’s company, even when doing the most mundane daily tasks. The article provides suggestions on how to improve your relationship so that it can flourish while you live together. Have a look:

1. Talk About Your Expectations from Each Other [Preferably BEFORE Living Together]

The very moment that a couple decides to move in with each other, they should sit down and have a discussion about their expectations from each other. This is important because sharing expectations helps couples create an understanding between themselves about certain previous partners may have found difficult to do. These expectations may include:

• How often each other should contribute to household chores and expenses, etc.

2. Understand Cultural Differences [If Any]

If any of the partners is from a different country than the other, it’s important that they understand their cultures’ differences in regards to everyday living such as cooking, home décor and even sleeping patterns. This will help avoid disagreements arising between both of them. It is recommended that you watch out for certain words or phrases too because they could come across offensive when used wrongly. For instance:

What some English people might consider to be friendly teasing can be seen by Irish people as being insulting since ‘teasing’ can actually mean ‘picking on’.

3. Divide Up The Household Chores

Household chores are often one of the main causes of arguments between couples. A great way to avoid this is to divide up the chores equally and fairly between both partners. This can be done by creating a chart that specifies who is responsible for what. By doing this, it’ll take some of the stress out of managing day-to-day household tasks.

Ways to save your relationship when you live together
save a relationship when you live together

4. Communicate Effectively

Many arguments can be avoided if both partners communicate effectively with each other. This means discussing any problems or issues as soon as they arise and not letting them fester. It’s also important to be mindful of your partner’s feelings and not just voice your own opinion without taking theirs into account.

5. Have Some ‘Me Time’

It’s important for couples to have some ‘me time’ so they can recharge their batteries and avoid feeling overwhelmed. This could involve taking a relaxing bath, reading your favorite book or simply taking a walk by yourself. Having some time to yourself will help you approach any problems that may arise with your partner in a more relaxed and rational manner.

6. Show Appreciation For Your Partner

Couples often take each other for granted and don’t show enough appreciation for one another. This can lead to feelings of resentment over time. A great way to combat this is to make it a point to tell your partner how much you appreciate them for things they do on a regular basis. Whether it’s for their cooking, cleaning or keeping you company on a boring day; it’s always nice to hear that your efforts are appreciated.

7. Give Each Other Space When Needed

Spending too much time together can be just as bad for your relationship as spending no time with one another at all. This is because couples need to spend some time apart in order for there to be any excitement and anticipation when they meet up again.

How to save a relationship in living together tips
save a relationship when you live together

8. Try New Things Together

New experiences will help deepen your bond with each other and make you closer than ever before. Trying new things provides couples an opportunity to learn about themselves and one another which will improve the relationship they have with each other over time. Whether it’s attending an art exhibition or going hiking in the mountains, there’s no limit to the new adventures you can go on together.

9. Laugh Together

Laughter is one of the best ways to connect with your partner and it also has some amazing health benefits too! Laughter releases endorphins which make us feel happy and reduces stress levels. It’s also a great way to lighten up any tense or awkward moments. So, next time you’re feeling down, watch a funny movie or tell a hilarious joke with your partner to get that good old laughter flowing.

10. Make Time For intimacy

Making time for intimacy is important for all couples as it helps keep the spark alive. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair; even something as simple as taking a walk together or cooking a meal can help re-connect you with your partner. By taking the time to focus on your relationship, you’ll ensure that it remains strong and healthy for years to come.

11. Respect Each Other’s Privacy

Respecting each other’s privacy is key in any relationship. This means giving one another space when needed and not snooping through each other’s belongings. It’s also important to be respectful of your partner’s feelings and not say anything that could hurt them emotionally.

12. Don’t Criticize Them In Front Of Others

It’s never okay to criticize your partner in front of others, no matter how angry or frustrated you may be feeling at the time. Doing this will only make them feel humiliated and could damage your relationship irreparably. Wait until you’re in a more private environment to discuss any problems that may arise as this will allow both partners to express themselves freely and avoid embarrassing each other.

13. Don’t Flirt With Others

Playing away from home is never a good idea, no matter how much temptation there may be. It only causes unnecessary jealousy and distrust which can quickly break down your relationship with each other if it becomes frequent or serious enough. Playing away from home also weakens the trust and security that’s needed for any relationship to succeed so it’s best avoided altogether where possible.

14. Keep Things Interesting

Keeping things interesting means constantly trying new things together, perhaps by attending different events or trying out new hobbies. This will help prevent your relationship from becoming stale or boring and will inject a healthy dose of excitement into your lives. It’s also important to be spontaneous every now and then; doing something unexpected can really spice up your relationship and keep the two of you on your toes!

How To Keep The Romance Alive When You Live Together
save a relationship when you live together

15. Apologize When You’re Wrong

When an argument has ended and tempers have cooled down, it’s always a good idea to apologize to your partner for any wrongdoings on your part. This shows that you’re humble enough to admit when you’re wrong and that you care about making things right between the two of you. It also helps to clear the air and allows for future arguments to be resolved more easily.

16. Don’t Bring Up The Past

Arguments are never a good idea in any relationship, especially when they relate to the past. Bringing up old arguments only serves to make things worse between you and could result in bitter feelings or resentment on one or both sides. Always resolve your differences in the moment by concentrating on the current argument at hand.

17. Don’t Go To Bed Angry

This is a golden rule that should always be followed in any relationship! Going to bed angry will only cause further resentment and bitterness between you and your partner and is likely to result in both of you sleeping badly. Always try to resolve any arguments before going to bed so that you can sleep soundly and peacefully knowing that everything has been resolved between the two of you.

18. Let them express

Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to resolving arguments. By communicating effectively with your partner, you’ll be able to understand their thoughts and feelings much better which will make it easier to find a resolution to any disagreement. It’s also important that they’re able to communicate effectively with you as well so that they feel that they can express themselves without being judged or criticized.

19. Respect Your Partner’s Privacy

Respecting your partner’s privacy means not prying into their private affairs and knowing when it is and isn’t appropriate to ask them questions. For instance, asking them how much money they make or what their friends’ private life is like are definitely a no-no! Asking about their day is perfectly fine as this shows you’re interested in how they perceive life and what aspects of it interest them most.

Save Relationship in living together
save a relationship when you live together

These are some ways to help keep your relationship strong and healthy when you live together. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a happy and successful partnership!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I save my relationship when we live together?

A: Keeping things interesting is key, as well as making sure to apologize if you’re wrong and not bringing up the past. The golden rule of “going to bed angry” should always be followed, meaning never go to bed with unresolved issues between each other! Finally, respect your partner’s privacy by not prying into their affairs. Knowing these tips will help keep your relationship strong and healthy when you live together!

Q: Is living together bad for your relationship?

A: While there is no definite answer, it’s generally agreed that living together can be bad for a relationship if certain guidelines aren’t followed. By following the tips listed in this article, you’ll be able to keep your relationship strong and healthy while living together!

Q: What are some things I can do to make my partner happy?

A: Some things you can do to make your partner happy include cooking them dinner, buying them flowers or simply telling them how much you love and appreciate them. These small gestures will mean a lot to your partner and go a long way in making them happy!

Q: How do I know if my partner is cheating on me?

A: If you have suspicions that your partner is cheating on you, there are a few ways to find out for sure. You can try checking their phone or computer for suspicious emails or text messages, or you could even hire a private detective to follow them and see if they’re up to no good! If you do decide to confront your partner about the affair, make sure to do so in a calm and rational manner so that they’re more likely to listen to what you have to say.

Q: How do I know if my partner is being unfaithful?

A: If you have suspicions that your partner is being unfaithful, there are a few things you can do. Inspecting their phone or computer for suspicious emails or text messages is a good place to start. If your partner does turn out to be being unfaithful, try not to jump to conclusions and instead ask them for an explanation of what’s going on before deciding on a course of action.

Q: How do I make my relationship last when we live together?

A: In order for your relationship to last when living together, it’s important that you keep things interesting by trying new things together, taking more trips away from home! It’s also key that you don’t bring up the past without a good reason for doing. Additionally, it’s important that you respect your partner’s privacy by not snooping through their belongings and knowing when it is or isn’t appropriate to ask them questions. If you can follow these tips, your relationship will be able to last while living together!


Saving your relationship when you live together can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. By following the tips listed in this article, you’ll be able to keep things interesting and avoid doing things that could potentially damage your relationship. If you and your partner can work together and respect each other, your relationship will be able to last while living together! Thanks for reading!

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