HomeDating Tips30+ Clear Sure-Shot Signs He Pretends To Love You

30+ Clear Sure-Shot Signs He Pretends To Love You

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Signs He Pretends To Love You- In every relationship there will come a time when you have to ask yourself whether your partner loves you or not. It can be a difficult question to answer, but there are signs he pretends to love you. If your partner is always cancelling on you, doesn’t make an effort for conversation, or doesn’t seem interested in anything you do, they might not be as invested in the relationship as you are. If you’re worried about your relationship, it’s important to talk to your partner and see if they really do love you. If they don’t, it might be time to move on.

No one falls in love at first sight, but it’s easy to deceive yourself into thinking you have when the person you’re with makes all the right moves. If your partner takes care of you and seems to be everything you’ve ever wanted, it can be tough to see the warning signs that he or she might not actually love you. Here are 30+ signs that your partner is pretending to love you. (Read on for more…)

Signs he Pretends To Love You

He’s not genuine at all, but he can make you believe he is loving you with all his heart. If your partner performs the following 30+ signs he pretends to love you, it might be time to take a step back and look at your relationship more closely:

1) His Good Side Only Revealed on Dates

Does your guy only show you his sweet, caring side when it’s a special occasion? If he seems to pull back from showing you any affection between the time you meet and the time of the big day, it could be that he doesn’t consider you “girlfriend” material. Since casual flings are okay with him but serious relationships aren’t, he’ll hold back and keep you guessing as long as possible to make sure you’re willing to accept his commitment-free lifestyle.

30+ Clear Sure-Shot Signs He Pretends To Love You
Signs He Pretends To Love You

2) Excuses for Everything…Always

If he has an excuse for everything (he doesn’t feel like talking, he can’t make it because of his friends, work or whatever random reason), then chances are that he doesn’t want you to find out how he really feels. He is afraid of letting his mask down because it would mean having to commit, which is the last thing on his mind.

3) Making You Jealous Is His Way of Flirting

A man who loves a woman wants everyone around them to know it. This also includes trying to make other women jealous by talking about how great someone else is, etc. The main purpose for this is not only making the woman he loves feel special but also seeing if she’s ready to defend their relationship and fight for what they have together…which ultimately means becoming “exclusive.”

4) He Tries to Change You

Men who love their partners just the way they are, do not feel the need to change them. If he doesn’t like your quirks or something about you, chances are that it’s simply because he hasn’t gotten used to you yet. However, if all of a sudden he comes up with this crazy plan to make you “better,” then there’s definitely something wrong with your relationship.

Signs he Pretends To Love You- Luv Hacks
Signs he Pretends To Love You

5) He Loves Every Girl He Dates…Just Not You

If every woman in his life is special and unique, but the minute they break up he starts calling another girl his #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday), then beware! This is clearly how he shows off his new conquests while still keeping the other girls on the line because he never knows when he might go back to them.

6) He Says “I Love You” and Then Freaks Out

It’s one thing to tell someone how much you love them or that you’re happy with them, but it’s a whole different story if you say those words and then freak out because you said them too soon. A man who is confident with his feelings will not be afraid of saying such things as they know where they stand. If this happens, watch out as he may already be seeing someone else behind your back!

7) He Makes Excuses Not To See You

If he is constantly postponing plans or canceling dates, then chances are that something or someone else is taking priority in his life. He may not have time to go out with you because he’s going on a date with someone else, or maybe another girl has caught his eye and is now a priority for him.

8) If He Could Be With Anyone Else…He Would Be

This may sound like an exaggeration but trust us when we say that this type of man really does exist. Men who are happy with the way things are will be thankful to their girlfriends/wives constantly, even if it means getting little presents here and there which show how grateful they are for having them. If your man doesn’t do anything special (and I mean anything at all), then chances are that he’d rather spend more time away from home than next to you.

9) He is Intimidated Every Time You Say “Yes” to His Proposal

When your boyfriend likes you, he will look forward to making plans with you. He will always suggest something fun and interesting for the two of you to do, like taking a road trip or catching up on old movies in his living room. If he is only pretending to love you, though, there’s a good chance that every time you say “yes” to his idea, you will find yourself disappointed. When he suggests something for the two of you to do together, he’s not doing it because he wants to get closer to you or have fun with you. He is simply fulfilling an obligation.

Eye-Opening Signs He Pretends to Love You
Eye-Opening Signs He Pretends to Love You

10) He Tries To Act Cool in Front of His Friends…And Fails Miserably

A man who wants to show off how great his girlfriend/wife is can’t be afraid of having her around, even while hanging out with his friends. If he gets cold feet every time you get ready to meet up with him and his pals, then it’s clear that he’s trying to hide something…in this case the fact that he doesn’t take your relationship seriously at all!

11) He Doesn’t Follow You on Social Media or Introduce You As His Girlfriend

If your man isn’t a social media addict, then chances are that it’s actually a good thing. However if you’re “Facebook official” but he never posts any pictures of the two of you together or simply refuses to add you to his list of contacts, then beware because there must be a reason for all this secrecy.

12) He Always Gives You Excuses for Things He’s Done

As they say, the best lies are always wrapped in truth. If he keeps giving you reasons as to why he can’t see you or why things don’t work out between the two of you, then stop and think about what he is saying before just taking his words at face value. If it’s not possible to do something now, then chances are that it won’t be possible forever!

13) All His Other Relationships Were Like This Too…

It may sound like a cliche but apparently there might be some truth behind this statement after all! If every single one of his former relationships were filled with lies and deceit, then chances are that this will be no different. You may want to believe him, but the more important thing for you is to believe in yourself and your instincts…if they tell you something’s not right, then it probably isn’t!

14) He Doesn’t Give You Any Type of Attention at All

If he doesn’t care about your feelings or if he barely even looks your way when you’re together, then there must be a reason for this lack of interest. If all his attention is focused on other women (and by women we mean everyone except you), then watch out because it’s only a matter of time before the same starts happening with you too!

15) He Always Has an Excuse as to Why He Can’t Come Out With You… Even If You’re the One Who Canceled

If plans change so often that you can’t even remember what they originally were, then chances are that they never existed in the first place! If he gives you a million reasons as to why he can’t come out with you but it’s always you who is canceling on him, then trust us when we say that this is a bad sign. Men who truly love their partners will find a way to be there for them no matter what!

Sure Signs He Is Pretending To Love You
Sure Signs He Is Pretending To Love You

16) He Starts Arguing About Everything – Even Things That Have Nothing to Do With Him

Arguments are always going to happen every now and again, but if your boyfriend/fiancé becomes angry about everything (from how much money you spend on clothes to what you ordered for dinner) then beware because he’s trying to take control over your life. The more time you spend with him, the easier it will get for him to start controlling everything that you do!

17) He Lacks Compassion for Your Emotions

This is something that should be taken extremely seriously and we’re not just saying this because we love drama or anything like that! If he tells you that things are only going the way they are because of all your “emotional outbursts,” then trust us when we say that he wouldn’t be saying this if he actually cared about what was happening in your life. Men who truly care about their partners aren’t afraid of listening when they need help with something so remember this!

18) He Gets Angry Whenever You’re Talking to Your Other Male Friends or Family Members

If he can’t stand the thought of you speaking with any other man, except maybe his father, then that’s definitely not a good sign. If your family and friends are always stopping by to talk about things but he gets angry each time they do so, then it might be time for you to rethink your relationship with him.  

19) He Doesn’t Let You Meet His Friends… Or His Parents

Of course we understand if there are certain friends that you just don’t click with but if it goes further than that (like him refusing to let you meet his parents or go out on double dates with them), then chances are he’s trying to hide something. This is because he’s not comfortable with you seeing his friends or family just yet, for one reason or another. Trust us when we say that this is probably the worst sign of all!

20) He Can’t Keep His Promises

Whether it’s forgetting your birthday or missing a shopping trip with you at the last minute, if he can’t keep his word then there must be a reason why. If all of his promises are broken no matter how important they are, then chances are he doesn’t value your relationship as much as you think. Remember this…a promise means everything and if he can’t—or won’t—keep that promise then it’s time to let him go! There are always better men out there who will keep their promises.

brutal signs your man is pretending to love you
brutal signs your man is pretending to love you

21) He tells you what you want to hear

If he often says things like “I love my life now that I am with you” or “You are the most perfect woman in the world for me,” run as fast as you can! These lines are just words people say when they don’t really know each other well enough yet. Real men do NOT hide who they really are; they do not pretend to be someone else and they don’t lie about their feelings.

22) He is overly possessive and controlling

If he wants to know where you go every day and who you talk with, this is a sure sign that he doesn’t want you to have any friends or interests of your own. If he gets angry when you hang out with other guys as friends, if he forbids you from going anywhere without him or if he treats you like a child instead of an equal partner, run away fast! You deserve so much better than this!

23) He does too many favors for you

Does it seem strange that suddenly your boyfriend is always helping you carry heavy bags and breaking his back just because YOU told him that your favorite singer is coming to town? He’s only acting like he cares because he wants something from you. When guys love someone, they don’t expect favors in return; if anything, they try to make life easier for the person they love!

24) He puts you down all the time

If your boyfriend shames you when you wear revealing clothes or tells you that you’re not smart enough for college, this is NOT a sign of his love; it’s actually abuse. If he insults your family and friends; criticizes everything that comes out of your mouth; treats you like an object instead of a human being – this isn’t affection; it’s disrespect! You deserve better than this kind of treatment!

25) He cheats on you

As hard as it may be to believe, if your boyfriend has cheated on you before, he will probably do it again. Cheating is not a one-time mistake; it’s a habit of disrespecting the people they love and treating them like trash. If he doesn’t appreciate what he has with you (or even if he does), then there is no reason why he won’t cheat on you again in the future! Don’t waste any more of your time on him – find someone who loves you for real!

26) He lies about little things

If your partner lies about the stupidest things all the time, this is a sign that he’s hiding something from you – and it might be big! From telling you that his favorite coffee is just vanilla flavored when it’s actually hazelnut, to saying that he left work at six when really he was there until nine at night – these kind of actions might seem harmless on their own, but they are actually signs of something much worse. Don’t risk your relationship by staying with someone who cannot be honest with you!

How can you know when someone is pretending to love you
Signs he pretends to love you

27) He tries to control your eating habits

If he tells you not to order fettuccini because it’s unhealthy or asks you why you are eating so many fries, this is a bad sign – especially if he gets angry at you for ignoring his advice! If he ever forces you to eat only what HE likes, this means that he thinks YOU are the one who has to change instead of HIM. You deserve better than that!

28) He doesn’t seem interested in getting closer to your family and friends – or making you feel welcome

If he never invites your mom over for dinner after she asks him several times, if he doesn’t like the idea of having his friends meet your buddies and if he makes no effort to spend time with your family, this is a sign that he’s not that into you! Sure; couples might have different values and interests when it comes to certain things, but they always work in the same direction in order to build a solid future together.

29) He never seems to remember the little things that matter most to you

For example: If he forgets about your birthday or doesn’t send you a single “thinking of you” message on Valentine’s Day – even though you told him how much it would mean to you – this is not a good sign at all. In fact; it means that he doesn’t care enough about making sure his partner is happy. Don’t waste any more of your time with him! You can do way better than that!

30) He gets sad when romantic comedies come on TV

If every time there’s a moment in a movie when a couple kisses or talks about their feelings for each other, your guy starts to get upset and says things like “oh man; this is so sad” – then he’s not a romantic at all. He might try to cover up his inability to be mushy by saying that he hates seeing happy couples in movies because it makes him feel even more alone – but come on! You deserve better than that.

31) He frequently checks out other girls while you’re together

If he frequently looks at other women even when you are hanging out with him – whether they’re walking down the street, sitting at the restaurant next to yours or just standing across the room in your favorite club – then he is never going to stop unless you make it clear to him that this is unacceptable. If he can’t treat you with respect, then move on!

32) He’s always saying bad things about other women

If he constantly talks badly about his exes or girls in general – calling them stupid bitches or criticizing the way they look because of their hair color or body type – then he’s just not ready to settle down! You don’t want to be one of many; so dump him NOW before it gets too late.

33) He tries way too hard to impress you

If he loves you, then he shouldn’t have to try so hard to prove it. He should be able to let his actions do the talking for him. If he’s dropping everything just to plan a surprise date for you, or go out of his way to pick up your favorite chocolate bar on the other side of town, there is something to be said about that kind of behavior. It might seem like he loves you to the moon and back, but when guys do that it’s only because they want something in return—like your body or simply having you in their life by any means necessary.


So these are the signs he pretends to love you. If any of these signs that he pretends to love you are happening in your relationship then it’s definitely not a good idea for you two to stay together. Remember, if he really loved you he wouldn’t have so many excuses as to why things aren’t working out!

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