HomeDating Tips18 Good Enough Reasons To Break Up With Someone You Still Love

18 Good Enough Reasons To Break Up With Someone You Still Love

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Deciding to breakup with someone is rigid and tough. It gets more harder when you have to do it with someone you love. Well, cutting the cord with your special one is not going to be easy at all. This is the last thing every couple wants to think about. But the sad reality is, it happens a lot. There could be 100s of reasons to break up or may be just one is enough. But if you want to end it, just end it.

To be completely honest, breaking up is not rarely as simple as it looks, especially if there are feelings involved. You are at the right place if you are looking for well suitable, to the point, and valid reasons to break up with your partner. Here you will find the reasonable reasons for breaking up with your partner.

Reasons To Break up with Someone

1. Infidelity- This is a sensitive topic. The minimal fact of involvement of any third person in a relationship of two people is enough to instigate a breakup. Whether it’s been you or your partner who was unfaithful, there’s no chance you can find in your heart to forgive the other person or to let them go of a grudge.

If your partner has cheated on you then this can be the enough reason for you to end things. However, if it’s you who cheated, tell them the truth of what you did and let them decide whether it’s worth sticking in the relationship or not. Also, if you want to continue things with the same person you cheated on your partner with, go on and confront this with your current partner and break up with them first.

18 Reasons To Break Up With Your Partner That Are Perfectly Valid

2. No Emotions- Emotional intimacy is as important as physical intimacy in a relationship. Not being completely satisfied emotionally is one of the big reasons to breakup. If you feel like rekindling the spark by showing your passionate and romantic side a little bit more, give your relationship a chance, and if not, this is a perfect reason for break up.

3. Listen To Your Heart- It’s natural to assess the relationship at some critical points, but do not ignore the internal feelings inside that are trying to tell you something. Gut feelings and inside voices are there for a reason. If something is whispering within you that you are dating the wrong person, then that might be encouraging enough, a good reason to breakup. Let it direct you to the conclusion that is right for you.

4. You like someone else- Liking someone is not exactly infidelity but it could be the step to unfaithfulness towards your partner. If your mind is occupied by someone else, you are romantically interested in someone or you fantasize about someone else. Do yourself and your partner a courtesy by ending things immediately before pursuing relationship with some other person.

18 Reasons to Breakup with Someone You Love and Care - Luv Hacks

5. If You Are Only In Relationship to Avoid The Tag of Being Single- This mostly happens for people who are in a rebound relationship. Relationship is something that brings out the best in two people. But if you are in relationship just to avoid the tag of being single or to have someone to take care of you, then it’s better to come up with some terms on this immediately and tell them the truth instead of sticking there with no love.

6. Growing Apart- People change but the real question is- are you changing together? Most of the times couples part their ways owing to the fact that they no longer share the same interests, tastes and goals. Maybe when you met, you liked everything about each other. But with time, those things feel more like a job, restriction or simply you start feeling that is not the same person you once saw. Couples should have similar destinations in life if they are together for lifetime. But if you are not growing together, it’s time to let go of each other.

7. You Don’t Put Efforts- Effort is more like a glue that makes the relationship to stick till the end. It could be as simple as morning-night texts or quick shower make-out session. Likewise, it takes two people to keep the spark going on. Once any one of the two partner stops putting efforts, the relationship will no longer move forward and it will drift after some time. When you know it’s going nowhere, then that’s the time you need to make the hard decision of breaking up.

18 Absolutely Valid Reasons For Breaking Up With Someone - Luv hacks

8. No Future- If you are thinking of the good reasons to breakup, here’s a good cum sensible one: You don’t see the future with your partner. Most of the times, attraction and obsession blinds the people to see that their relationship is going to fail. For example, two people are deeply in love with each other but one of them is tied towards his career and the other one is looking to start their family as soon as possible. If you are in any way, a part of this type of situation, then changing your partner’s mind would be hell a lot of difficult task. So, just break it off and move on, if you think you are not ready for this.

9. Lack of Communication- The most important thing in a relationship than shared interests, values or even sex is Communication. Without healthy conversation, your relationship is more like a battleground filled with anger, anxiety, stress, negativity, and misheard needs which leads to conflicts. It starts feeling more like a competition where both of you are stomping over winning which later becomes nothing but, toxic. If your partner is more of dominating rather than listening and resolving the issues, just move on.

10. Only You Are Putting Efforts- If you are the one who’s putting so much of efforts to make things work but your partner is not even bothered to lift a finger to reciprocate, then that is the more than good enough reason to break things up and move on. Remember, it takes two people to make relationship work. One sided endless efforts in a relationship is just not worth if you are there for the long run.

11. Personalities Don’t Match- As they say, Opposites attract, but in reality they don’t always equal works. In simple words, just because two people are opposites of each other, it doesn’t mean they are a good match. Sometimes, dating opposite personality can feel exciting, but other times, it can feel more like nothing but drama. If you don’t feel good about the mix of two personalities, it is better to move on from the relationship rather than waiting to cause more trouble in the long run.

18 Reasons to Break up with Someone You Still Love - Luv Hacks

12. Broken Trust- Trust in a relationship is very important. It makes the partners to belief that you got each other’s back no matter what circumstances are. If your partner broke your trust, it’s you who have to decide if you think it as a minor setback only or an unforgivable betrayal. You need to decide if the trust in your partner can again be mended, if not you need to walk away.

13. Don’t Want To Fix Things- When the anxiety of surviving your relationship imposts on you, it’s better to give it up. If you no longer feel to put any energy in your relationship to make it work, then that could be a valid reason to break up with someone. Time will do no miracle if you keep hanging on a relationship without feelings. So, it is always better to be honest with your partner and let them go.

14. You Are Not Happy- Relationships go through rough patch from time to time and it takes courage to make it through until things get better. There’s a very fine line between being in a rough phase and living in it. And if you feel no longer happy in a relationship, that’s perfectly a fine reason to leave. All you have to do is to tell your partner about how you feel and walk away from it.

18 Reasons to Know It's Time to Break Up - Luv Hacks

15. Friends Are Encouraging To End- Seek the help of your besties if you are wondering about the reasons to break up with your partner. If the people close you to you are also encouraging the relationship to end, that’s a good sign that you two are not meant to be together and should break up. Though, it’s not always wise to follow their advice, but if they are those people you trust the most and they are urging you to get out of your relationship, then do give them a serious listen.

16. Cons Over Pros- Take out some time for you and write down the pros and cons of the person you are dating. Compare the points carefully, if the list compels more of positive things than negative, then you should continue the relationship. But if cons overweighs the pros, then it’s definitely time to call off the relationship.

17. Abuse-No one should be subjected to make any kind of abuse in a relationship. Be it physical, sexual, emotional, financial, mental or social abuse, if you’ve undergone any of these by your partner, stand up for you and start looking for someone else who actually cares about you. There could not be any reason to stay in an abusive relationship. Keep this in mind that love is not about control but support. Don’t confuse the two. A relationship with control should be thrown away immediately.

Top 18 Reasons To Break Up Immediately With Your Partner - Luv Hacks

18. You No Longer Want To Be Intimate With Them- If there was once a strong desire of getting intimate with your partner, which is gone now, that could mean something. This may not really be an indication of whether you want to be in a relationship or not, but making time for your significant other is no more a priority for you. In this case, choose to breakup with your partner because it’s 100 percent valid.

Conclusion- Breaking up with someone you love is really awful. When you are committed to someone, the relationship should not be merely centered on romance, passion, closeness, intimacy, and cheesiness. There should be genuine respect, trust, care, and love for each other. But if any of these things are gone, you’ve got more than enough reasons to breakup. All in all what you choose in a relationship is all up to you only. If the gut feeling is not right, admit it and breakup.

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